Acupuncture And Acupuncture, The Beautiful Chinese Secrets

Acupuncture And Acupuncture, The Beautiful Chinese Secrets

Acupuncture and acupuncture have been used in China for thousands of years, alternative medicines like these are very effective in providing health care to patients. Acupuncture is a technique without needles. And while acupuncture is a treatment technique using fine needles.

But before going too far about acupuncture and acupuncture, she explains the key points or network channels available throughout the body.

Point of Origin of the Body Channel

Acupoint or Acutic refers to the pressure point located inside the human body. Acute is an energy meridian and it is believed that through the channels in the body there is an unseen flow of energy. This life force known as Qi (Chi) has 12 meridians of camels that connect organs or networks of organs as well as form a communications system throughout the human body.

The meridians start from the tips of the fingers that connect to the brain and then connect to the internal organs associated with a particular meridian.


After learning about the meridians in the human body, now the enlightenment on acne will be briefly and concisely explained. The sequence of treatments based on the root points found in the human body is very good. It is a great physical and mental therapy for you.

Therapy therapies using acupuncture sequencing techniques aim at a common cause known as:

Local point
Trigger point
What distinguishes these two types of point is that Local point is the root point found in the human body. Whereas the trigger point is the point connected to a sick body or an uncomfortable body.

Both of these types of dots are a gateway for medical practitioners to treat patients' health problems.

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