Mangalore Sautekai ..! The name is Madras Cucumber ..! I saw it in a newspaper. Ooh our cucumber is the name of the man who stole his name, and who had a great plan in mind to sue him, beat him, give him the gourd and restore the right to our knowledge. When I think a little logically, I think the name of our suetakekai may have been given to the Madras region during the British period in Mangalore. But how about stopping on the declaration of war? Just as Caesar had crossed the Rubicon, a battle was to be fought. Another surprise awaited me in this preparation and search. That is, in the vegetative root nomenclature (coculture), it is called cucumis medaraspatensis. Even more shocking was when it was introduced in 1805 by the Scottish botanist William Roxburgh. It is difficult to believe that Ragi Mudde came from Ethiopia. We know that the tens of thousands of food items we use on a daily basis come from different countries, such as corn, chickpeas, chillies and potatoes. BGL Swamy wrote such an invitation long ago in our stomachs