Any substance that is made up of sugars (carbohydrates), fat, water and / or protein and can be ingested by the living world is called food. Organisms feed not only to survive but to lead healthy and active lives. Food contains many nutrients that develop the body, keep it healthy and provide strength.
Miscellaneous components of food
The essential elements found in food are carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils, vitamins and minerals. In addition, food should have all the nutrients; That is, proteins to strengthen muscles and tissues, carbohydrates and fats to provide energy or strength, mineral salts for strong bones and blood development and vitamins for healthy life and physical development.
The requirement of various nutrients in the body- carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals depends on the age, sex, physical exertion and condition of the body. A laborer doing manual labor needs more power-providing food than a person working in an office. Mothers of pregnant women and lactating babies require more protein and minerals due to physical changes.
Therefore, it is important that every person should include all the necessary nutrients in their food according to their age, sex, work condition etc. The food which fulfills these requirements of human beings is called balanced food.
Balanced food can be prepared by mixing the following food items with prudence.
Powerful food:
Carbohydrate and fat rich food is called powerful food. Pulses, condoms, dry fruits, sugar, oil and fats fall into this category.
Body Building Foods:
A food with more protein is called a body building food. Milk, ghee, pulses, oilseeds, gurri and low fat oilseeds of Indian cows of Indian breed fall into this category.
Preserving food:
The food in which protein, vitamins and minerals are found in excess is called preservation food. Milk and milk products, eggs, kaleji, green leafy vegetables and fruits fall into this category.
Majority of the people in India eat more grains and their food lacks other energetic elements. It can be improved by broadly making changes in the food, that is, wherever there is excess of food in the food, the quantity of food should be reduced and instead the elements which meet the body's protein, vitamins and minerals in the food should be increased. . Wherever such foods are available, and with the use of science and technology, with the help of preserved food, nutritious diet can be improved. Nutritional losses during cooking can be prevented by using improved methods of preparing food. Many nutrients are destroyed by over-boiling or frying the food. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that the food is cooked properly.
Functions and sources of nutrients:
Building vital substances like tissues, muscles and blood in the body, assists in the development of enzymes and immunological elements to withstand infection.
Sources: - Fresh or dried milk, cheese, curd, oilseeds and kernels, soybeans, yeast, pulses, meat, liver, fish, eggs and grains.
Functioning as a concentrated source of strength and replenishing soluble vitamins.
Sources: butter, ghee, vegetable oil and fat, oilseeds and kernels, fish oil and egg yolk.
Empowering the body.
Sources: Cereals, millet, candymails such as potatoes, beetroot, arvi
, Tapioca etc. and sugar and jaggery.
Vitamin A:
Keeping the skin and mucous membranes of the body healthy and protecting from night blindness.
Sources: fish oil, liver, milk products - yogurt, butter, ghee - carrots, fruits and leafy vegetables.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Normal appetite, digestive power and healthy nervous system and conversion of food sugars into power.
Sources: Kaleji, eggs, legumes, pulses, kernels, oilseeds, yeast, grains, sela rice.
Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin):
Helping the cells in the use of oxygen, keeping the eyes healthy and clean and not allowing the crust to form around the mouth and protecting the mouth core from bursting.
Sources: milk, sapretta, curd, paneer, eggs, kaleji and leafy vegetables.
Keeping skin, stomach, intestines and nervous system healthy.
Sources: Pulses, whole grains, meat, liver, yeast, oilseeds, kernels and legumes.
vitamin C :
Strengthening cells, strengthening blood vessel reefs, preventing infection and providing strength to get rid of disease quickly.
Sources: Amla, guava, citrus fruits, fresh vegetables and sprouted pulses.
vitamin D :
Helps the body to ingest large amounts of calcium and strengthen bone.
Sources: milk, butter, eggs, milk, cheese, fish, oil and ghee.
Calcium and phosphorus:
It is helpful in making bones and teeth, increase blood and muscles and nerves to work properly.
Sources: Milk and its products, leafy vegetables, small fish and cereals etc.