Some important rules regarding food ...
Anirudh Joshi 'Shatayu'.
In Hinduism, while eating food, good sense and good atmosphere and posture have been considered very important apart from the sattvikta of food. If all the rules of food are followed then there will never be any kind of disease and mourning in a person's life. According to Hindu religion, food should be pure, pure water should be more than that and there should be pure air. If all three are pure then the person will be alive for at least 100 years. Today, we know some special rules of food.
1. Before eating:
* 5 limbs (2 hands, 2 legs, mouth) should be washed after eating properly.
* Before the food, Goddess Annapurna, praising Annapurna Mata and thanking her and 'All the hungry should get food', should pray to God and eat it.
* The food maker takes food in the kitchen only after chanting with a pure heart, after chanting the mantra and first take out 3 loaves (for cows, dogs and crows) separately and then offer food to the family members by offering fire to the fire god. * Sitting in the kitchen with everyone. Efforts should be made to have food with all the family members. According to the rules, love and unity among family members is not possible by eating different food.
2. Food Time: -
* There is a law of food in the morning and in the evening, because the digestion process prevails till 2 hours after sunrise and 2.30 hours before sunset. A person who eats only one time is a yogi and one who does two times is said to be a Bhogi.
* A famous proverb is 'Eat morning meal yourself, give lunch to others and dinner to enemy.'
3. Direction of food: -
* Food should be eaten only by facing towards east and north direction. The phantom receives food served towards the south. The disease is aggravated by eating food made towards the west.
4. Don't eat food like this: -
* Shaya, should not be eaten in broken pots on hand.
* In the atmosphere of discord, in high noise, people should not eat food under the peepal tree, when there is velocity of feces and urine.
* The food served should never be condemned.
* Food made with jealousy, fear, anger, greed, disease, lowliness, hostility is never digested.
* Food should not be taken while standing, wearing shoes and covering the head.
5. Do not eat these meals: -
* Never eat strong food.
* Do not eat too spicy or too sweet food.
* Do not eat food left by anyone.
* Half eaten fruits, sweets etc. should not be eaten again.
* Should not eat again after leaving food.
* Do not eat those who are beating and feeding.
* Touched animal or dog, served menstruation, removed shraddha, rancid, blew mouth and cooled, do not eat loose hair.
* Never serve a dishonored, disrespectful meal.
* The miser, the king's, the prostitute's hand, the wine seller's food and the interest business should never be eaten.
6. What to do while eating: -
* Stay silent while eating.> * Do not eat too much at night.> * Speak only positive things if it is necessary to speak. * Do not discuss any type of problem while eating.
* Chew the food and eat it.
* Householder should not eat more than 32 grass.
* Firstly sweet, then salty, finally bitter food should be eaten.
* First take the juicy, the middle the middle, finally the liquid substance.
* A little eater gets health, age, strength, happiness, beautiful children and beauty.
What not to do after meals: -
Water or tea should not be drunk immediately after meals. Horse riding, running, sitting, defecation etc. should not be done after meals. What to do after meals: -
After a meal, walking in the day and walking a hundred steps at night, lying on the left side or sitting in Vajrasana, digestion of food is good. Digestion of food is good by eating sweet milk and fruits after one hour of meal.
What not to eat: -
* Curd, Sattu, Sesame and Garishta should not be eaten at night.
Salt, curd, sour foods, fish, jackfruit should not be consumed with milk. * Honey and ghee should not be consumed in equal quantity.
* Khichdi should not be eaten with milk and kheer.